
Vue 3-signature - Vue.js Nourished #.\n\nAn electronic signature element through Vue3.js.\n\nUsage.\nnpm put up vue3-signature.\nmain.js.\nbring in Vue3Signature from \"vue3-signature\".\n\ncreateApp( Application). make use of( Vue3Signature). mount(\"

Save.Crystal clear.Undo.addWaterMark.fromDataURL.impaired.

Props.sigOption (Object, default: penColor:" rgb( 0, 0, 0)", backgroundColor:" rgb( 255,255,255)" ): Contains residential properties for penColor and backgroundColor.w (Strand, nonpayment: "100%"): Distance of the moms and dad compartment (need to include devices, e.g., "100px" or "one hundred%").h (Strand, nonpayment: "one hundred%"): Elevation of the moms and dad container (have to feature systems, e.g., "100px" or "one hundred%").clearOnResize (Boolean, default: inaccurate): Identifies if the canvass is removed when the window is resized.waterMark (Things, nonpayment: {-String.Split-|-} ): Arrangement for watermark (refer to Use addWaterMark).handicapped (Boolean, nonpayment: inaccurate): Disables the canvass if set to accurate.defaultUrl (Strand, default: ""): URL of the image to be presented by nonpayment.Approaches.spare ((), "image/jpeg", "image/svg+ xml"): Spares the photo as PNG, JPEG, or even SVG.clear: Clears the canvas.isEmpty: Returns correct if the canvass is actually vacant, or else returns incorrect.reverse: Gets rid of the last dot or line.addWaterMark ({-String.Split-|-}// check Utilization addWaterMark): Adds a watermark.fromDataURL (url): Draws a signature image coming from an information link.View Github.